Chloe’s Three Month + Traveling as Fam of Four

Hi Guys!!!
I can’t believe my little bitty baby is already three months. We took our first trip this past week and it was interesting to say the least flying for 2.5 hours + driving 2.5 hours. I was going back and forth with what to travel with and ended up going with the Ergo Baby and the Yoyo stroller for Jake.

I didn’t really research any new gadgets when Chloe was born because I felt I had everything from Jake, but what I probably should have gotten was the bassinet that attaches to the YoYo which is around $200. We had to check both car seats and used this bag to check them so they don’t get all germy. People were shocked that I traveled with such a little baby but she was the easy one – my rule of thumb is just feed away the entire flight: Jake with snacks and Chloe with the boob:)

I don’t want to lie and say it was the most amazing trip because it really wasn’t. Both kids ended up getting colds and we didn’t have any help. But it was nice to have a family trip and all just connect as a family of four:) Chase and I have come such a long way when dealing with the kiddos – we used to fight so much more and now we just kind of go with the flow and don’t get annoyed with each other as much.

Anyways onto miss Chloe – she’s the cutest little baby girl and I honestly can’t believe she’s ours. Every time she smiles it melts my heart. She’s starting to grab her toys and makes these cute little noises. The way Chloe looks at Jake is incredible, I feel like they are going to be so close. I can tell she’s already so different then Jake, she’s pretty quiet and chill and we’re loving the difference in character.  I love dressing her up and I prefer using headbands over bows.

Our next trip is Colorado and i’ll most likely be traveling alone with the kiddos!

Thanks for reading!



New Outfit Post + One Month Postpartum Update

While this top may look super cute, it’s really uncomfortable when you are wearing a strapless bra that is way too small because your breasts are bigger then Mount Everest!
If you think your boobs are big during pregnancy wait until after.. I refuse to purchase a bigger strapless bra because I only have another five months of breastfeeding. For pictures & quick dinners wearing the bra is fine. But if you saw me naked, it’s a little on the frightening side as part of my top breasts are hanging out!

There are so many emotions when you are having a baby… The shivers during labor are scary and you don’t know how it’s humanly possible for anyone to go through this and the contractions become so intense that you are begging for an epidural.. Then you see your little baby you have been carrying for 9 months and forget it all.. Then comes the big thing: breastfeeding and managing two kids!

I breastfed Jake for 6 months and supplemented with formula.. Now with Chloe when I breastfeed, and feel that she’s not satisfied, I have to give her formula. The guilt I have when having to get her formula is out of control and all the while Chase makes fun of me because he doesn’t understand the whole breastfeeding thing. Chloe doesn’t love the taste of the formula so if I could just produce the right amount of milk I would feel better. When breastfeeding you really shouldn’t diet because you need the calories to feed the baby.

So, while I also want to watch what I eat so I can start to fit in my 24 jeans, I can’t. Don’t get my wrong – my jeans definitely zip – but I am not of a fan of the fat hanging off. I’m starting to do pilates next week so that should help with the love handles! I also have to think about everything I eat like will it give her gas – it’s non stop! People say you loose weight but do you really? I am so much hungrier all day!

At the end of the day I’m doing it for Chloe – not for me. It’s a major commitment – coming home every two to three hours. The pressures that come with breastfeeding are so intense so always remember to do what’s right for you. I will say that the connection you feel while breastfeeding is incredible and does make me less stressed out.

I am trying to spend as much time as I can with Jake since I feel like I have lost one year of not going outdoors with him because of Zika. So I am trying to go to the park with him everyday which we are LOVING. I keep giving Jake tasks to do like checking in on Chloe, etc. and it makes him feel like such a great big brother. We decided to potty-train Jake when we arrived home with with Chloe. We figured this would be a good opportunity because we are home for awhile. It’s a work in progress, but it makes it easier not having to deal with diapers for Jake. I feel like every time he has to go I’m breastfeeding – so I of course put her down and rush! It’s been interesting, to say the least.

But after all of this, sometimes I have to pinch myself I feel so lucky to have Chloe and Jake!


Life Update/ Crop Top & Mini Skirt Season!

Hi Guys!
Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! My weekends have been super chill, of course, since we have a newborn at home. I think I have left my house a total of five times since having Chloe (almost three weeks ago) and my big adventure of the day has been taking Jake and picking him up from school + of course my daily run to Starbucks. Thank goodness for the Starbucks app!

Everyone has asked what it’s like having two kids at home and it’s been interesting to say the least! Since I’m breastfeeding I think in the beginning it was hard on Jake because I was always with the baby and he wasn’t used to it. When I breastfeed I use the Breast Friend pillow and when Jake sees me put it on he’s like NO!!! He’s finally getting used to it and I think he’s liking the idea of having a little sister at home.

I have been telling him to keep an eye out for her, and I’ll have him check in on her to make sure she’s not crying. He loves telling me the news it makes him feel so important! At night when we’re putting Jake to bed we all go into his room and read stories – including Chester.. I am usually feeding Chloe so it’s a nice time for us all to hang out.

On to the outfit – Since I was all covered up for Zika I wanted to start my first outfit blog post with a summer-inspired look! I am so excited to share this look – this skirt is pretty old – and the top I got during the Shopbop sale not knowing if it would ever fit! I’m happy to say it does. I love crop tops but just keep in mind when styling it you should never see your belly button. Shop the similar look here:


Chloe’s Birth Story

Hi! I’m really excited to share this story with you all..

On May 1st I was laying down in my room with my parents at around 2 pm while Jake was taking a nap. My dad (an OBGYN) was using a fetoscope to listen to the heartbeat and we were wondering what to do. I had a scheduled 40-week appointment on my actual due date May 2nd. My dad and I were talking about when I could get induced and he was wanting me to wait the until the following week if I wasn’t dilated. At this point I was HUGE and couldn’t imagine being pregnant an entire week longer. My parents said they wanted to go to Bal Harbour to grab coffee & walk around and I decided to join them thinking what else am I going to do other than lay in bed. I thought moving around could help this girl get going.

We arrived to Bal Harbour and immediately went into the coffee shop upstairs which I always go to. One of the baristas took one look at me and asked me how I could possibly be walking because I was so big! I thought to myself if I was living in Texas no one would have said that to me. But anyways we continued walking and I went to the bathroom and felt a tiny bit of liquid come out but didn’t think anything of it – as a matter of fact, I was convinced it was pee. I called Chase and told him what had happened but was convinced it was pee because by that point I was always peeing and when I saw a toilet pee would just come out. My mom and I walked to the other side of Bal Harbour and I was dying of heat as I was covered from head to toe shielding myself from Zika. My dad had decided to go on his own adventure and my mom and I walked over to Saks because I desperately needed air conditioning.

Right when we got into the store around 4:30 I started feeling a liquid dripping down my leg. I started laughing and couldn’t explain to my mom what was going on. She finally caught on when she saw my soaking wet pants. Finally, I left the store and ran outside. My converse had amniotic fluid inside of them and my pants were drenched! We quickly called my dad to come over and we walked to the car, ran to my house, grabbed my hospital bag and headed over to the hospital around 5:30. Chase left the office and raced over there… when I got there at 5:30 he was there waiting for me with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen saying it’s showtime!

When I arrived at the hospital there continued to drip amniotic fluid- so much so that there was a huge puddle on the floor. They quickly put me in a room and checked for dilation – I was 2 cm. We then decided that I would try to see if contractions would come naturally and they did but by 9:30 we decided I would get a small dosage of pitocin to speed things up…this was needed because you are prone to infection once the amniotic sack breaks as the baby is now exposed to the outside elements. Right when they put me in the room they offered me an epidural and I said no no I got this…thinking I could perhaps get through with this delivery with out one. My mom looked at me like ok Jenny… HMM..

Right around 10 pm when the pitocin started hitting I was begging for an epidural. The Doctor came in and gave it to me and made a mistake. He accidentally put the needle in too deep causing the medicine to go in my actual spine. The problem with this is that it could cause a spinal headache. Luckily- my dad said that I needed to lay flat for the next two days to try to avoid headaches + drink tons of caffeine- music to my ears.

I told the nurse around 12:15 am that I felt the baby coming out and she said no way! My dad asked that she call the doctor and right when the doctor came in around 12:40 it was showtime. I pushed around 3 times and baby Chloe arrived to the world with her huge eyes taking it all in. We are so lucky and I continue to pinch myself that this is real- we have a baby girl! From not knowing if I could have any kids to now having two we are blessed. My family is complete and I couldn’t thank you all enough for your love and support. I can’t believe there was a point in our lives Chase and I were talking about life with just the two of us, he has been the most supportive husband and I couldn’t have done any of this with out him.


Pregnancy Update + Dainty Chokers

I can’t believe I am 28+ weeks pregnant!  Actually sometimes I still can’t believe that I’m pregnant at all with a baby girl.  I think it will actually hit me once she’s born.  We are so thrilled to be giving Jakey a sibling and are so excited to see his reaction when he meets her.  I had convinced myself that we were just having Jake so now it’s like a feeling of oh my gosh how did this miracle happen to us? I hear stories about women who are trying to get pregnant around me and I can sympathize with them, I completely understand what it’s like.  

Right before I found out I was preggers I had explained to Chase that all of our friends were going to start having their second babies and that we just had to be super happy for them.  Ironically – like last time – I am one of the first ones that got pregnant.  I truly feel like we are blessed and I can’t wait for this miracle girl to arrive.

My tummy is getting so large and by 3 pm I am in my PJs ready to lay down! I don’t remember feeling this tired when I was pregnant with Jake – but then again I wasn’t running after a 2 year old. The braxton hicks are occurring so much more often and sometimes it makes me really nervous – like I am going into labor.  I have been doing Pilates from the beginning usually 2-3 times per week which I think is super helpful when pregnant.  It’s good to work out and move!

Before I could feel the baby kick, which started around 19-20 weeks, I would have the worst anxiety wondering about the heart beat. I couldn’t wait until the next appointment – so I am super happy now that she’s kicking and I feel her.. Sometimes when I haven’t felt her in awhile I force myself to lay down. I find that when I’m relaxed and laying down I’ll feel her more.. Anyways 12 weeks to go – wow! and my boobs are large and in charge! Not sure how much bigger they can get..

Back to Fashion! I have found myself only looking for jewelry and shoes! Since I can’t shop for real clothes I am going crazy with accessories.. Chokers are everywhere! I am especially loving dainty chokers because they look so cute and make a subtle statement. They absolutely go with everything – from athleisure clothing to a black tie event, you will find me wearing workout clothing and a dainty choker.  

I discovered the ones that I am wearing in the Instagram pic when I went to a wedding in Dallas. One of the bride’s besties was wearing the cutest dainty necklace and she said it was from Stephanie Gottlieb. I fell in love and of course had to purchase! I love stacking them – so I wear one with three hearts and one with one star. They are my every days now. The more layers the better!

Shop some of my favorites here:

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Cute Sneakers are the New Heels

Ever since I found out I was pregnant I have been wearing sneakers every day and frankly, since having Jake,  I wear heels to go out to dinner but, on a day to day basis, it’s flats.  Last weekend I wore heels to dinner and my back started hurting so I have decided going forward to wear sneakers!  Unfortunately, with Zika in Miami, I have to wear closed-toe shoes so my Valentino ballet flats, Aquazzura lace-ups, Gucci slides, and my Chanel ballet flats are out of the question: (I actually wore my Gucci slides a couple of weeks ago and got bit by a mosquito – thankfully I got tested and it wasn’t Zika.  It’s not worth the anxiety for me to wear cute shoes and possibly get bit!)

Nowadays you can get really cute sneakers that can be worn from day to night.. Since I’m also running around after Jake it’s imperative that they are comfortable.  I recently purchased the silver Common Projects which will be my go-to date night shoes!  They are super cute and match with everything, when I am able to wear skirts again I will actually wear them with dresses and skirts.

I have had the Golden Goose sneakers for a while now – and yes they are pricey but worth every single penny if you calculate how many times you wear them and then divide the cost.

I can’t believe Chase and I are celebrating our 5 year anniversary- I feel so blessed to have a 2 year old together and a baby on the way. How did I get so lucky?  We are going to a low key dinner Saturday night and probably a movie, any good movies you have seen lately?

Hope you have a great weekend!

