Hi Everyone!

It’s been a while since I have posted on the blog and I just wanted to take a moment here and let you all know how thankful I am for you! I am thankful that you care to read my posts sharing about fashion finds & family.

The last couple of weeks have been SUPER busy. So much so it felt like we were in normal times. BUT the whole not traveling for Thanksgiving, not being able to have a big Thanksgiving dinner – it’s not a normal thanksgiving.

We are going to Palm Beach for Thanksgiving. We had nothing planned in Miami and so thought it would be best to get away. We had a trip planned to go to Madison to visit my family but unfortunately we had to cancel it. I’m so upset that we can’t go but so many of us are in the same position. A friend who had to cancel her trip to New Jersey asked me what I had told my kids when we cancelled our Wisconsin trip. I told them the truth – I think it’s best just to tell the truth. Jake asks every day when he will get to see his cousins and I say hopefully soon. Right now we should be thankful for FaceTime!

I am thankful for my family, you guys, my health and, this one is new this year, my children’s school and teachers. School is something that we always took for granted and this year teaches us how easily even that can be taken away. Praying our school doesn’t close – I am not meant to be a teacher! What are you thankful for?

Whatever you do- have a safe thanksgiving!

