If you are in the fashion industry or love fashion- then you know that Chanel is everything! There is something so special about the way it’s made that it never looses it’s shape. I am not really brand-conscious, but when it comes to bags and shoes I think it’s important to have items that are of good quality.
Quantity- For example, instead of buying ten different bags of lesser quality, why not get just one bag that is high-quality? My take on this is that it’s better to have one good bag versus a variety of cheaper low quality bags. Another added benefit of streamlining the inventory of bags is the elimination of clutter.
Quality- This Chanel bag I bought about 5 years ago, and it looks like I bought it yesterday. I take very good care of it, and have always kept it stored in its original box- until recently when I got a Glam Divide, and am now able to store it in the storage box.. I just make sure to take good care of it- as it’s a bag I will have forever.
Versatility- The reason I think Chanel bags are so great is because you can wear them for so many different occasions. You can wear it casually- with jeans and a t-shirt and sandals or you can wear it to a wedding. The versatility makes the bag unique coupled with the fact that it will never go out of style.
I have linked similar bags below:
Can’t wait to visit the Chanel store in Paris!