Supplies needed: colored construction paper, scissors for kids, glue stick, old magazines.
I rarely did art projects with Jake and Chloe, as I was always too busy running around with them – going to birthday parties, Bal Harbour shops, lunches, pool dates, visiting relatives. I always tried to keep us busy to be out of the apartment! So last Monday came as a total shock when we weren’t allowed to leave + had to home school.
I grew up looking through glossy magazines and collaging. It’s something that’s relaxing for me and that we can all do together – I have stacks and stacks of magazines and for some reason I refuse to throw them out.
So here is the project: cutting letters from magazines and taping them onto colored paper and sticking them on the wall in alphabetical order (it’s takes forever- we have only made it to sticking letter F on the wall. We cut as many letters as we could – until it got boring! We laid them all our table and chose the best letters to tape on wall! It’s so easy and extremely entertaining plus they are learning cutting skills + letters. It’s also something I could do with both kids together {almost 3 and 5}. We are now starting to cut pictures to go with letters. Stay tuned!
Let me know if you have questions!