Mom Life
Easy Meatballs Recipe!

Hi Guys! Hope you are doing well! I wanted to share my easy meatball recipe that I have been cooking weekly and, trust me, if I’m making it, you can too!
You will need the following:
- 1 lb. ground beef (80% lean – you need some fat in there!)
- 1/2 cup of Panko breadcrumbs
- 1 egg
- squirts of ketchup to taste
- garlic powder- teaspoon
- onion powder- teaspoon
- Tomato sauce- we love Rao’s or Michael’s of Brooklyn
Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl and form them into balls – depends on how big you want them – to your taste. You can place them onto parchments paper – it’s better than foil. I bake them at 350 degrees for 15 minutes – if you like them more well done cook for a little longer and you can flip them. I like to under-cook them in the oven and then finish them in tomato sauce. When you are done baking place them in tomato sauce at a low heat and serve by themselves or with pasta!
DIY: Collaging the Alphabet

Supplies needed: colored construction paper, scissors for kids, glue stick, old magazines.
I rarely did art projects with Jake and Chloe, as I was always too busy running around with them – going to birthday parties, Bal Harbour shops, lunches, pool dates, visiting relatives. I always tried to keep us busy to be out of the apartment! So last Monday came as a total shock when we weren’t allowed to leave + had to home school.
I grew up looking through glossy magazines and collaging. It’s something that’s relaxing for me and that we can all do together – I have stacks and stacks of magazines and for some reason I refuse to throw them out.
So here is the project: cutting letters from magazines and taping them onto colored paper and sticking them on the wall in alphabetical order (it’s takes forever- we have only made it to sticking letter F on the wall. We cut as many letters as we could – until it got boring! We laid them all our table and chose the best letters to tape on wall! It’s so easy and extremely entertaining plus they are learning cutting skills + letters. It’s also something I could do with both kids together {almost 3 and 5}. We are now starting to cut pictures to go with letters. Stay tuned!
Let me know if you have questions!
Planning a Last Minute Party with Walmart

I decided I wanted to plan something special for the kids for their first day of school.. They are always asking if they can eat dinner on our balcony so I knew this would be special. Only problem was I was too busy to actually go to any store to purchase items.
So thankful for Walmart’s overnight free shipping! All I did was enter NextDay mode on the app and everything that was available popped up. I ordered everything on a Monday and had it all delivered Tuesday.
I was able to pick everything including the beautiful table cloth which is reversible, napkins which I totally had run out of, plates, colorful cups made from acrylic, and a set of three vases! I also needed a fresh set of utensils and found some at a great price point. When we have people over I never have enough! What’s even better is that I received everything in just one box. It’s free shipping with orders over $35.00.
So if you are thinking of planning a party or if you need last minute house hold items Walmart has you covered with their next day shipping.
Dior Cafe Review in Miami Design District
Happy Hump day!
I am in no way a food critic or a restaurant critic, but I travel often enough and go to many restaurants to know when a place is good vs. bad.
So last week Chase was on a business trip and I was sleep training Chloe. We woke up Saturday morning and my in laws picked up Jake to have a special day with him. I absolutely love going to the Design District and was dying to go to the Dior Cafe. So I asked Chase if we could go, I put on a cute dress because I was going to ask Chase to take some pictures, and how can he say no if I look cute?
We get there and everyone is there for the exact same reason – to take pictures. However, I am the only one with a toddler. Not only were the staff super rude – they never even tried to get Chloe to smile! The customers were just as rude. Chloe would go up to them and smile and they wouldn’t give her a smile back.
I totally understand it’s not anyone’s job to get Chloe to smile, but when you are spending $12 on a coffee don’t you think the staff should help at least?! I will say, however, that the coffee was amazing and I know my coffee. I would go back – but I would leave kiddies at home. I felt like we were in Europe:) So if you live in Miami and you want to feel like you have gotten away, check it out. It’s a very cute rooftop on the third floor of Dior. Just don’t forget to leave the toddlers at home, even though it looks like a perfect place for them with the fake animals, etc.!
My outfit deets + Chloe’s Shoes:
Look for Less:
How to get your baby to sleep and restore your sanity!
We got Chloe a toddler bed vs. a bigger bed! I didn’t understand the concept of a toddler bed because the crib I bought for Jake converted into a full bed(I had no idea what I was doing) so I bought a whole new mattress for Jake! Jake never ever liked his bed – it was too big for such a tiny human being. To this day we have a cot next to our bed that he sleeps in 80 percent of the time. With Jake we didn’t do the “cry it out”.. it’s all my fault, I don’t like to hear crying. So when he was 18 months old, and throwing up in his crib to get out, Chase and I thought it was time he moved into a big boy bed. Little did we know we should have let him sleep in his vomit! Sounds awful, but so true.
I thought for sure Chloe would sleep in her crib until she was FOUR {we have friends whose almost four year olds sleep in cribs}. About ten days ago, Chloe climbed out of her crib. I panicked and she slept in OUR bed for the next four nights – her bed arrived on a Monday and we assembled it Tuesday. Chase flew out to California for business Tuesday morning and said I must train her {ps I’m the most laid back person when it comes to letting our kids in our bed}. BUT because we fucked up so much with Jake and he still comes to our bed I got the message. When Chase gets home Chloe must be sleep trained.
Tuesday night – the first night she slept in her bed – was a disaster. I had no idea what I’m doing. I laid in the middle of her floor while she was in her bed. She fell asleep (took her forever to fall asleep, and my brain started flashing to our new beginning where I’d have to spend hours putting Chloe to sleep). After spending two hours in her room trying to hush her, I was exhausted so I just brought her to my bed! I asked all of you what to do and the best suggestion was to let her cry it out and get a gate!
Wed night- we have the gate in place and Chloe falls asleep fine. Then she wakes up every hour to make sure I’m in her room which means I run into her room every hour that night! I’m a zombie – so exhausted! – and you all tell me to let her cry going forward.
Thursday night – I wait in Chloe’s room until she’s asleep. She wakes up at 9 pm and cries until 10:30. The director of Jake and Chloe’s school said that I should speak to Chloe through the camera so I do this and it works! She goes back to bed and sleeps all night until 6 am!
Friday night- Chloe cries and screams for 20 minutes and passes out!
Let’s see what happens tonight but I feel very accomplished! Lucky Chase came back at the perfect time! I am using this turtle that lights up at night with stars which I think Chloe really enjoys.
So my advice for a mom going through this is to make sure you get a toddler bed so that they feel cozy, a gate is a must, let them cry, try to speak through the camera telling them they are ok, and lastly get something that lights up!
Hope this helps!
Family Portrait
I am so happy to share with you our first family pictures! Do not even ask me why we waited this long, but better late then never right?! BUT we got so lucky today was the first real Fall day in Miami! So we were shooting pictures and the weather was amazing.
I am loving these pics of us that it was hard to pick a few to share. Our photographer, Amanda Osovitzki, began taking pictures after having her sons because she developed an eye for capturing the perfect memories for every occasion. All of these pictures were taken in less then 20 min. Photo shoots that include kids have to be super fast because they have little patience- ok Chase is included in this as well!
Amanda is doing 20 minute sessions for $150 in November and you get 20 edited pics. I highly recommend if you need to get your holiday pictures taken and you live in Miami. Her email is
If you are into mine and the kids outfits you can get them here:
Chloe’s First Day of School!
So everyone has different opinions on when their kids should start school and there is no rhyme or reason to it! Today is Chloe’s first day of school and, even though I’m quietly freaking out, I know it’s best for her. She will be going everyday for a half-day. I think she’s super-ready as she’s very social and likes to be around other kids. It’s been a little difficult to do play dates as everyone is super busy with schedules so this way at school she’s always playing with kiddos.
Since the beginning of the year (Late August) I have tried to take Chloe to Jake’s classroom and pop into hers so that she would feel more comfortable. Last week we actually went into her classroom and spent a little more time introducing her to her classmates and teachers, I swear she knew I would be leaving her there one day. Did she know it was five days later? PROBABLY NOT! She hung onto my leg so tight and wouldn’t let go – meanwhile in Jake’s classroom she was playing with other kids and toys. So interesting how they know at such a young age.
Jake couldn’t be more excited to have his little sister walk into school with him, he told me he would hold her hand and take her into her classroom but couldn’t carry her because she’s too heavy! I think this is when the age gap seems to feel so little.
Shop her first day of school outfit here & ps we’re obsessed with her high tops – just ordered them in another color:
Will keep you all posted! Thanks for reading:)
Hello Almost Mid August
Hi Guys!
Sorry I have been so MIA! I wanted to take my laptop to Colorado, but we just had so much stuff that I knew I couldn’t handle taking one more thing. It was actually a nice break though, but I def missed blogging! I will be doing a blog post on Colorado next week so stay tuned.
I can’t even begin to wrap my head around the fact that school is almost starting.. Where did the summer go? I personally love the start of a new year. Chloe will be starting school in November so she still has some time. Do you like the start of a new year as much as me? I just feel like it’s a great way to re-organize and priorities things that are important.
So I just had a couple of friends over and they were shocked that Chloe was still drinking out of a regular Como Tomo baby bottle! Yikes- I’m thinking it’s time I take it away from her- for some reason I was thinking at two years, but clearly I have no idea! Just adding this to the list of things to work on. I finally have her sleeping schedule back to normal. In colorado she was sleeping with us in our bed and we had to put a kabosh on it! Now I let her cry in her crib and while she cries i’m basically hiding in my bathroom looking at my Nest camera.. AHHH motherhood!
Anyways I wanted to share this outfit because it’s probably the most worn outfit of summer. This top is so comfy and cute. It was a little pricey but again since I have worn it to so much it has been totally worth it. Since it’s baggy I like to tuck it in to high wasted shorts or jeans.
Get the look here- and I linked my look alike sandals as well:
Traveling with Kids
And we are off to Colorado! We have traveled so much with both kids that I wanted to share helpful tips with you all! Over the years of traveling with kids I have heard so many excuses from people that they prefer not to travel at all rather than travel with their kids. The more you travel with your kids the easier is becomes. It’s just like the saying practice makes perfect. Also, I find the more and more you analyze it the harder it is. Just don’t think about it- it’s hours of your life!
Here are some tips:
1) The most important thing is the travel carrier for your car seats – and there is no charge to check your car seats! I have linked it here. People have asked if I bring car seats on the plane and I have never done that. I fully take advantage that Chloe isn’t two yet so we don’t have to pay for her seat. She sits on my lap which works totally fine.
2) Yo-Yo Stroller– it folds up and goes in the overhead compartment of the plane so you don’t have to wait to get your stroller. It is worth every single penny! We bought it when Jake was 6 months old and have used it ever since. Sometimes I wish I had two! Unfortunately I usually end up carrying Chloe through the airport and Jake sits in the stroller – but you could get the scooter that attaches to it.
3) Extra change of clothes for your little ones – you never know when they could have accidents of any sorts! Also swaddler blankets are key: they are great to put down if you need to change a diaper.
4) SNACKS: this is the most important. I don’t analyze anything they eat on the plane. It keeps them busy so they can eat as much as they want.. BRING extra snacks – puffs are a good option for Chloe & Jake. Our preferred bran is Happy Baby. Although, sorry airlines, they make a huge mess! Another great option are the teethers– and they don’t make such a mess!
Bottles and sippy cups are extremely important because you want your kids to drink so that their ears don’t hurt.
5) IPAD – Chase and I forgot this on our trip a couple of weeks ago vising my sister and somehow we survived but it’s super-important. Don’t forget to download his/her favorite shows beforehand – it’s the easiest way to entertain.
6) Plan on walking up and down the aisles to get your baby to calm down – it works, I promise!
Happy Travels!
Babyganics: The Best Tools for Staying Safe in the Sun!
Summer is officially here which means everyone is spending a ton of time outside in the sun. Staying indoors is totally out of the question, and we all know how pooped kids get when they play all afternoon in the pool. It’s never a bad idea this time of year to opt for swimming and playing outside. When Jake goes in the pool we are adamant that he wear a swim shirt and we apply lots and lots of sunscreen to him.
Let me tell you about my must-have for summer: Babyganics. A great brand with organic products for everyone in the family!
The Babyganics SPF 50+ sunscreen lotion has the best consistency of all sunscreen lotions – and trust me: we have tried them all! It’s not at all greasy and is very easily applied. It’s also really useful when applying to larger areas like back and legs. The lotion contains zinc oxide – the most important ingredient for a sunscreen – and has a slew of oils that help to moisturize the skin. The lotion is water-resistant for up to 80 minutes. Don’t forget to re-apply it thereafter!
I also love the Babyganics SPF 50+ sunscreen stick because it’s just so easy. It’s extremely compact and goes on very smoothly. I like the stick especially for little kids because, unlike lotion, it is extremely unlikely to get it in their eyes. This is a great alternative if you have a fussy child (like I do) who makes it difficult for you to put on sunscreen. Kids can even use the stick themselves without help: Jake took the stick and applied it to both himself and Chloe. It takes two seconds to apply and is great to keep handy at all times because it can’t spill. The stick is the easiest way to make sure that Jake and Chloe wear sufficient sunscreen just like I do.
Mosquitoes are a big problem in Miami… but it seems like I can’t escape them anywhere because when we were visiting my sister in Wisconsin this past weekend I gotten bitten up there too! The Babyganics natural insect repellent is perfect to keep the critters away because it doesn’t smell chemically and it is deet-free – so won’t harm the kiddos. It’s made from plants and essential oils and really gets the job done. I always keep insect repellent in my bag because getting bitten up by mosquitoes is no fun for anyone.
Thanks to Babyganics for helping us stay safe out there this summer!