Hi Guys! I wanted to write this post because I feel like after all of these years I finally learned how to put on makeup! I started watching some of Jenna Rennert’s videos on Instagram (she’s the beauty editor at Vogue) and saw that she was using an instant palette.
The palette includes everything you need besides foundation (This foundation is what I use # 30) / brow pencil (This pencil is what I use #30) and mascara (I don’t want to recommend because so personal and I barely use). The palette was all I needed to understand what to use because each color is numbered and tells you where it goes. I will be going to an even Thursday so i’ll share on stories how I use it. This palette is perfect for that glowy look.
Step by step: I use this brush to put on the highlighter #7, blush #5 & #6 & bronzer # 4. This brush for the entire eyelid # 1, this brush for the crease # 2, and this brush to have the smokey look # 3 on the corner of eyes.
I also love this concealer # 4 for under eyes and to cover pimples- I usually carry it around in my purse.
See below for everything I used on my face here!
Very nice and natural looking!