And we are off to Colorado! We have traveled so much with both kids that I wanted to share helpful tips with you all! Over the years of traveling with kids I have heard so many excuses from people that they prefer not to travel at all rather than travel with their kids. The more you travel with your kids the easier is becomes. It’s just like the saying practice makes perfect. Also, I find the more and more you analyze it the harder it is. Just don’t think about it- it’s hours of your life!
Here are some tips:

1) The most important thing is the travel carrier for your car seats  – and there is no charge to check your car seats! I have linked it here. People have asked if I bring car seats on the plane and I have never done that. I fully take advantage that Chloe isn’t two yet so we don’t have to pay for her seat. She sits on my lap which works totally fine.

2) Yo-Yo Stroller– it folds up and goes in the overhead compartment of the plane so you don’t have to wait to get your stroller. It is worth every single penny! We bought it when Jake was 6 months old and have used it ever since.  Sometimes I wish I had two! Unfortunately I usually end up carrying Chloe through the airport and Jake sits in the stroller – but you could get the scooter that attaches to it.

3) Extra change of clothes for your little ones –  you never know when they could have accidents of any sorts! Also swaddler blankets are key: they are great to put down if you need to change a diaper.

4) SNACKS:  this is the most important.  I don’t analyze anything they eat on the plane.  It keeps them busy so they can eat as much as they want.. BRING extra snacks – puffs are a good option for Chloe & Jake. Our preferred bran is Happy Baby. Although, sorry airlines, they make a huge mess!  Another great option are the teethers– and they don’t make such a mess!

Bottles and sippy cups are extremely important because you want your kids to drink so that their ears don’t hurt.

5) IPAD – Chase and I forgot this on our trip a couple of weeks ago vising my sister and somehow we survived but it’s super-important. Don’t forget to download his/her favorite shows beforehand – it’s the easiest way to entertain.

6) Plan on walking up and down the aisles to get your baby to calm down – it works, I promise!

Happy Travels!

