Hi Guys!
Sorry I have been so MIA! I wanted to take my laptop to Colorado, but we just had so much stuff that I knew I couldn’t handle taking one more thing. It was actually a nice break though, but I def missed blogging! I will be doing a blog post on Colorado next week so stay tuned.

I can’t even begin to wrap my head around the fact that school is almost starting.. Where did the summer go? I personally love the start of a new year. Chloe will be starting school in November so she still has some time. Do you like the start of a new year as much as me? I just feel like it’s a great way to re-organize and priorities things that are important.

So I just had a couple of friends over and they were shocked that Chloe was still drinking out of a regular Como Tomo baby bottle! Yikes- I’m thinking it’s time I take it away from her- for some reason I was thinking at two years, but clearly I have no idea! Just adding this to the list of things to work on. I finally have her sleeping schedule back to normal. In colorado she was sleeping with us in our bed and we had to put a kabosh on it! Now I let her cry in her crib and while she cries i’m basically hiding in my bathroom looking at my Nest camera.. AHHH motherhood!

Anyways I wanted to share this outfit because it’s probably the most worn outfit of summer. This top is so comfy and cute. It was a little pricey but again since I have worn it to so much it has been totally worth it. Since it’s baggy I like to tuck it in to high wasted shorts or jeans.

Get the look here- and I linked my look alike sandals as well:
