Hi Guys!!!
I can’t believe my little bitty baby is already three months. We took our first trip this past week and it was interesting to say the least flying for 2.5 hours + driving 2.5 hours. I was going back and forth with what to travel with and ended up going with the Ergo Baby and the Yoyo stroller for Jake.

I didn’t really research any new gadgets when Chloe was born because I felt I had everything from Jake, but what I probably should have gotten was the bassinet that attaches to the YoYo which is around $200. We had to check both car seats and used this bag to check them so they don’t get all germy. People were shocked that I traveled with such a little baby but she was the easy one – my rule of thumb is just feed away the entire flight: Jake with snacks and Chloe with the boob:)

I don’t want to lie and say it was the most amazing trip because it really wasn’t. Both kids ended up getting colds and we didn’t have any help. But it was nice to have a family trip and all just connect as a family of four:) Chase and I have come such a long way when dealing with the kiddos – we used to fight so much more and now we just kind of go with the flow and don’t get annoyed with each other as much.

Anyways onto miss Chloe – she’s the cutest little baby girl and I honestly can’t believe she’s ours. Every time she smiles it melts my heart. She’s starting to grab her toys and makes these cute little noises. The way Chloe looks at Jake is incredible, I feel like they are going to be so close. I can tell she’s already so different then Jake, she’s pretty quiet and chill and we’re loving the difference in character.  I love dressing her up and I prefer using headbands over bows.

Our next trip is Colorado and i’ll most likely be traveling alone with the kiddos!

Thanks for reading!

